10-minute Meditation to Increase Your Powers of Intuition
Keep your clear intuition with the habit of cleansing your consciousness.

Clearing thoughts in the brain to polish intuition

Using the Crystal Healing method through this meditation, you can clear your mind and thoughts to increase power of intuition.

When you feel the six sense is dull and uncertain, or you need more intuitive sense for a day, take 10 minutes to cleanse the dust off of your mind.



  1. Release your tension

  2. Healing the chakras changes your attitude towards life

  3. If you are positive, you can switch your mood

  4. 豊かさで平和なパラレルワールドへ

  5. 他人からのネガティブなエネルギーを浄化する


  6. バイノーラルビートのゆらぎで超熟睡