10-minute Meditation to Make You Become Positive
Negative × Positive = Zero Now you could reset your mode!

If you are positive, you can switch your mood

When you feel negative energy and thoughts within yourself, let’s change the gear of the mode quickly by listening to this 10-minute meditation.

Raise your energy vibration and change the negativity into positive attitude instantly.



  1. 人生の夢や目標がわからないときのセラピー


  2. スキンケア瞑想でエイジングケアのお手入れを

  3. Clearing thoughts in the brain to polish intuition

  4. 396Hzトラウマ・恐怖からの解放


  5. メタライフへの扉を拓く

  6. ソルフェジオ周波数でチャクラを覚醒