10-Minute Meditation for a Wonderful Day
Creating today with simple visualization technique.

Have a great day!

Listening to this meditation before you start a day, you could make your day wonderful and brilliant.

As you set the Power Ball at the core center of your body, you can manage the day as you wish unconsciously.

You will share more positive energy to other people who meet you in a day.



  1. 脳内の思考をクリアにして直観力をあげる

  2. 花粉症のおかげ?症状の利得を知る

  3. 魂の回復とソウルメイト

  4. 今日をマインドフルネスで豊かに暮らす


  5. 5次元で起こる?ハッピーな引き寄せ法則

  6. マネーヒーリングとマネーシンボル
