10-minute Meditation for Decisiveness
Instead of "You have to make a decision", instead of "You can make a decision"

Find your decisive points with NLP in 10 minutes

Using the NLP technique, you could make decision clearly to the certain issue or empower your decisiveness.

Through this guided meditation for 10 minutes, you would get rid of confusion and relax to set your mind.

Your action becomes more confident after listening to this meditation repeatedly for 21days.



  1. 花粉症で眠りが浅く疲れてしまうなら

  2. 今日を心穏やかに暮らす


  3. メタライフへの扉を拓く

  4. 身体の免疫力はポジティブな精神から

  5. 今日をマインドフルネスで豊かに暮らす


  6. 食事から変わるダイエット瞑想