10-minute Meditation for Beautiful Skin
Stress appears on the skin. Make real beautiful skin from inside.

Care for beautiful skin in the meditative consciousness zone

10-minute meditation for beautiful skin is highly recommended for women who care for the facial skin condition.

Stressful life and unstable cycle of life style are likely to reflect on your skin problems.

You can approach to rashes, wrinkles, slacks, pimples and such from the unconscious level to improve the quality of your skin.



  1. ストレスや疲労を解消し眠りに誘うシータ波

  2. 10min meditation powerful

    Concentrate on the present moment and ignite potential power

  3. 10分間で深い睡眠に誘う

  4. 年齢が気になるあなたへ7才若返るエイジケアセラピー

    意識から若返るというアンチエイジング 法

  5. ヒプノティック睡眠宇宙編


  6. 内側から美が目醒める?インナービューティ