Meditation to Relax your Day
A short, deep and relaxing nap promotes about three times as much rest as night sleep.

Take a break for a short nap

Let’s get rid of the physical and mental fatigue of the day.

During 15 minutes of this guided meditation, you will be completely relaxed and refreshed.
If you feel tired or need to relax in the middle of the day, you can experience it anytime. Having your days relaxed, you will find more positive events are happening.

[audible] [Amazon] []

The Japanese translation of “Meditation to Relax you day” [Ichinichi no Tsukare wo  toru  Meiso] is also released  for  Japanese listeners.


  1. Your focus matters clarity of the mind

  2. Healing the chakras changes your attitude towards life

  3. Find your decisive points with NLP in 10 minutes

  4. Care for beautiful skin in the meditative consciousness zone

  5. 10分間で深い睡眠に誘う

  6. 内側から美が目醒める?インナービューティ