10-minute Meditation to Relieve Tension
The tension itself is not bad. Create a "relaxing switch" to control tension well.

Release your tension

Using the anchoring technique of NLP, you make your own relaxing switch during this 10-minute meditation.

If you often feel tension in a day, or you need to face to business presentations with nervousness, take 10 minutes to feel total relaxation through the guided meditation.

You can create own nature in your mind space that could be used in many phases through your life.



  1. スキンケア瞑想でお肌の奥からデトックス

  2. ソルフェジオ周波数でチャクラを覚醒

  3. 喫煙による癒しから新しいヒーリングへ

  4. マネーヒーリングとマネーシンボル


  5. Your focus matters clarity of the mind

  6. 緊張感を潜在意識レベルで解放する