10-minute Meditation to put your thoughts in order and induce Deep Sleep
Not just for sleeping at night, but for napping and power-up meditation.

Invite you to sleep deeply in just 10 minutes

When your mind and thought are unease and not ready to take a rest at night, take 10 minutes to put your thoughts in order and induce deep sleep.

Set the audio device turning off automatically so that you can go into sleep in bed at the end of the meditation.



  1. 花粉症で眠りが浅く疲れてしまうなら

  2. Your Authentic Beauty is Created from Within

  3. ストレスや疲労を解消し眠りに誘うシータ波

  4. ウェイクアップ瞑想2


  5. スキンケア瞑想でお肌の奥からデトックス

  6. 感謝の種を蒔いて豊かな花を咲かす