Healing meditation for smoking cessation
What really relaxes when you feel deeply

Does smoking really relax you?

This is a healing meditation to mitigate the burden and stress of the physical body against smoking itself.

If you have already challenged to quit smoking, this meditation will support your habits.

Meditation enhances healing of your mind and body damaged by cigarettes and releases chronically unhealthy unpleasant conditions.



  1. 愛の流れを豊かにする開運瞑想

  2. 7つのチャクラヒーリング瞑想


  3. ストレスフリー


  4. 10分間で深い睡眠に誘う

  5. 快眠・安眠は髪の味方

  6. 花粉症のおかげ?症状の利得を知る