10-Minute Meditation for a Wonderful Day
Creating today with simple visualization technique.

Have a great day!

Listening to this meditation before you start a day, you could make your day wonderful and brilliant.

As you set the Power Ball at the core center of your body, you can manage the day as you wish unconsciously.

You will share more positive energy to other people who meet you in a day.



  1. 417Hzマイナスな状況からの回復


  2. 感謝の種を蒔いて豊かな花を咲かす

  3. 今日を心穏やかに暮らす


  4. 飛行機に乗るのが怖い、苦手なのはあなただけではありません

  5. ソルフェジオ周波数でチャクラを覚醒

  6. お互いにとっての良縁な関係に