Meditation to Improve Concentration
Polishing the window of the mind brightens consciousness like wiping the window of reality.

Your focus matters clarity of the mind

For what do you want to increase your concentration power?

When you want to improve your concentration before study, work, any action or activity, or when you lose focus due to some distraction, please work on this meditation.
In 15min, you will refresh and clear your conscious mind and improve concentration!

[audible] [Amazon] []

The Japanese translation of “Meditation to Relax you day” [Shuchuryoku wo takameru Meiso] is also released  for  Japanese listeners.


  1. マネーヒーリングとマネーシンボル


  2. 食事から変わるダイエット瞑想

  3. メタライフへの扉を拓く

  4. 花粉症が健やかライフをめざすきっかけに

  5. NLPを使って決断力のポイントを見つける

  6. 人生の夢や目標がわからないときのセラピー
