7 Chakra Awakening [Solfeggio Guided Meditation]
Each experience is always unique to you. Among them, you'll be stimulated by the frequency, and concrete images, memories, and sensations appear.You can be free and creative with it.

Solfeggio frequencies to awaken the energy body

This program awakens your energy while listening to Solfeggio frequencies along the
7 chakras.

Each chakra meditation takes only around 7-8minutes. You will learn some tips of frequencies corresponding to each chakra and the main functions of the chakras. The Solfeggio frequency is at a volume that does not affect general hearing, and the experience is like listening to sound in real nature or by seashore.

Each experience is always unique to you.
Among them, you’ll be stimulated by the frequency, and concrete images, memories, and sensations appear.
You can be free and creative with it.
Depending on the vibration of the frequency, you may feel drowsy or sleepy, which is a natural reaction to your inner experiences.

7 Chakra Awakening will follow your authentic will, activate your chakras, and release unwanted things. We believe this daily meditation helps you make your life advanced automatically.

Solfeggio frequencies in this meditation:
174Hz 285Hz 396Hz 417Hz 528Hz 639Hz 741Hz 852Hz 963Hz


1st Chakra: Muladhara Chakra

2nd Chakra: Svadishthana Chakra

3rd Chakra: Manipura Chakra

4th Chakra: Anahata Chakra

5th Chakra: Vishuddha Chakra

6th Chakra: Ajna Chakra

7th Chakra: Sahasrara Chakra


This content is available from the following services.

[audible]   [Amazon]   [audiobook.jp]

A Japanese translation of “7Chakra Awakening 〈Solfeggio Guided Meditation 〉 ” has been released  for  Japanese listeners.


  1. 963Hz ワンネス・宇宙意識を愉しむ


  2. 10分間で深い睡眠に誘う

  3. バイノーラルビートのゆらぎで超熟睡

  4. 快眠・安眠は髪の味方

  5. 意識次元をあげてハイヤーセルフと出逢う


  6. マネーヒーリングとマネーシンボル
