10-minute meditation to make the present moment more Powerful
Isn't your energy dispersed from the “Now” point?

Concentrate on the present moment and ignite potential power

Many people scatter own energy to past, future, other people and episodes that waste own power without even noticing it.

Let’s take back own mind and energy to the center of yourself and the moment of life.

Focus on the precious present moment and bring more opportunity and synchronicity into your real life.




  1. 自己評価を上げると周りからの評価もアップする

  2. Release your tension

  3. エネルギー波動をクリアに上げる


  4. ウェイクアップ瞑想2


  5. Have a great day!

  6. 花粉症のおかげ?症状の利得を知る